Dungeon Maker Deluxe!


Number of players: 1 to 8 players (best suited for 2-4 players)

Time: 45 minutes

Age suitability: 12+

Designed by: Ali Mahmood & Chris Scaffidi

Art: Gibbs Santos 

 You and your fellow wizards have a bad habit of pilfering each other’s dungeons. In this draft-and-write game, you’ll fortify your dungeon’s lairs with defenders, then crawl an opponent’s dungeon. The game ends for everyone when a player captures all their opponent’s lairs, or it ends for you when you run out of cards. Score victory points for fortifying and capturing lairs. If you finish with the most points, you become the Dungeon Master! 

 Gameplay summary: The game has 3 phases: Fortify, Exchange and Crawl. In the Fortify Phase, all players take each turn simultaneously,

drafting 1 card to place defenders into their dungeon. In the Exchange Phase, players exchange dungeons. Each player shuffles their cards to form a personal draw pile. In the Crawl Phase, all players take each turn simultaneously, using 1 of their cards to clear defenders from their opponent’s dungeon.

The game ends for everyone when a player finishes clearing their opponent’s dungeon, or it ends for you when you run out of cards.